(Recife, Brazil  - 1939)

Marlos NobreMarlos Nobre de Almeida was born in Recife the Pernambuco state's capital, in February 18th of 1939. When he was 5 years old, he started to learn music in Recife city, at the Conservatorio Pernambucano de Musica. In 1955 Marlos Nobre got his Piano degree. In 1956 he went to the Instituto Ernâni Braga do Recife, a important Music Institut, where he studied until 1959.

In Rio De Janeiro Noble Marlos studied with  H. J. Koellreutter and Mozart Camargo Guarnieri at the Sao Paulo Conservatory (1961 - 62). In 1963 he travelled to Buenos Aires, where he had composition lessons at the school Torcuato di Tella with the professors Alberto Ginastera, Olivier Messiaen, Aaron Copland, Luigi Dallapiccola and Bruno Maderna. Marlos Nobre took a course in electronic music with Ussachevsky at Columbia University (1969); was music director of the National Symony Orchestra of Brazil (1971-76); then was president of the National Music Institute of the National Foundation of the Arts (1976-79).

Between 1985 and 1987 he was in the presidency of the International Advice of Music of UNESCO, in Paris, starting to direct the Fundação Cultural de Brasilia in 1988. He directed the Cultural Foundation of the Federal District, enters the years of 1986 the 1990. He was the first Brazilian conductor to conduct the Royal Philarmonic Orchestra of London, in 1990.

His Master Works

Orchestral Music : Convergências (1968), Ludus instrumentalis para orquestra de câmara (1969), Biosfera para orquestra de cordas (1970), In memoriam (1973), Xingu (1989), Divertimento para piano e orquestra (1965), Desafio para piano e orquestra de cordas (1968), Concerto Breve para piano e orquestra (1969), Concerto para cordas n. 1 (1976), Concerto para cordas n.2 (1981), Concerto para piano e orquestra de cordas (1984), Concerto para trom,pete e cordas (1989) e Concertante do imaginário para piano e orquestra (1989).

Chamber Music: Trio (1960), Ukrimakrinkrin (1964), Canticum instrumentale (1967), Quarteto de Cordas n.1 (1967), Rhytmetron (1968), Sonâncias (1972), Sonatina (1989), Fandango

Piano: Homenagem a Arthur Rubinstein (1973), Sonata (1977), Tango (1984), Toccatina, Ponteio e Final Op. 12 (1963)

Guittar: Momentos I,II,III, IV, Prólogo e Tocata (1984).

Choral: Cantata do Chimborazo (1982) e Descobrimento da América (1990).

More about Marlos Nobre



Grande Enciclopédia Larousse Cultural

Vasco Mariz - Figuras da Música brasileira Contemporânea
      Universidade de Brasília, 1970, segunda edição.

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